
Mantic Development's Devil Enchants Minecraft Plugin

Available on mantic.dev/product/devilenchants

DOLPHIN - Gain speed 3 whilst in water
TANK - Health Boost
HOARD - Chance to spawn 3 zombies to assist you in battle (1%, stay for 10 seconds)
DODGE - Chance to not take damage (5% chance)
LAST_RESORT - When your helmet pops the enemy gets launched away and you get Regen 2 for 5 seconds
FORGE - Every 7 hits your armor piece repairs slightly
GUARDIAN - Chance to gain regen 1 for 5 seconds
CURED - Grants immunity to poison effect
LAMP - Grants Immunity to blindness effect
COMBO - Damage increments for as long as you dont get hit back (5% more damage per hit)
BACKSTAB - Chance to do 2x damage from behind
VENOM - Chance to give enemy poison effect
BLINDNESS - Chance to give enemy blindness effect
PICK_POCKET - Chance to steal 5% of your opponents balance
THOR - Chance to strike your enemy with lightning
SELF_INFLICT - Chance to bow boost yourself
CONCUSSIVE_BLOW - Chance to give enemy nausea
WITHERED_EDGE - Chance to give enemy wither aspect
DOUBLE_SHOT - Chance to do double the damage
RPG - Chance to shoot TnT with your blow
PURGE - Chance to remove all your enemy's positive effects


In the custom-enchant.yml menu how do I put individual enchants?

Here is an example:

title: '&cDevil Enchants'

  - '         '
  - '   a b   '
  - '         ' 

    material: ENCHANTED_BOOK
    data: 0
    name: '&c&lCombo I'
    enchant: COMBO
    cost: 4000
    - ' ' 
    - '&7Damage increments for as long as you'
    - '&7dont get hit back (5% more damage per hit)'
    - ' '
    - '&7Cost: &f4000 exp'
    material: ENCHANTED_BOOK
    data: 0
    name: '&c&lDolphin I'
    enchant: DOLPHIN
    cost: 4000
    - ' ' 
    - '&7Gain speed 3 whilst in water' 
    - ' '
    - '&7Cost: &f4000 exp'

Last updated