received-enchant: '&aYou have been given {0}x {1}&a.'
- ' '
- '&8[&4&lTimepiece&8] &7&oYou have an unclaimed item in your timepiece storage!'
- '&cType &n/timepiece&r&c to claim your items! &7&o(Make sure to clear your inventory)'
- ' '
items-refunded: '&aYou have been refunded your lost items.'
cannot-put-enchant: '&cYou cannot put this enchant on this item.'
successfully-applied: '&aSuccessfully applied {0} &ato your item.'
enchant-already-applied: '&cThat enchant is already applied to that item!'
bought-enchant: '&7You have successfully bought &b{0} &7for &b{1} &7exp.'
not-enough-experience: '&cYou don''t have enough experience, you need &b{0}&c exp.'
Last updated