
ManticHoes PlaceholderAPI placeholders

%mantichoes_crops% show the amount of crops broken by a user
%mantichoes_tokens% shows the amount of tokens that a user has
%mantichoes_croptop_POSITIONHERE% - returns the placeholder-format in messages.yml
%mantichoes_croptop_POSITIONHERE_name% - returns the name of the user in that position
%mantichoes_croptop_POSITIONHERE_amount% - returns the amount of the user in that position
%mantichoes_tokentop_POSITIONHERE% - returns the placeholder-format in messages.yml
%mantichoes_tokentop_POSITIONHERE_name% - returns the name of the user in that position
%mantichoes_tokentop_POSITIONHERE_amount% - returns the amount of the user in that position
%mantichoes_crops_pos% shows the leaderboard position of the user for crops
%mantichoes_tokens_pos% shows the leaderboard position of the user for tokens
%mantichoes_harvestevent_next% shows a countdown to harvest event (format: 5 minutes 4 seconds)
%mantichoes_harvestevent_next_short% uses a shorther format (format: 5m 4s)

Please replace "POSITIONHERE" with the number of the position, like such: %mantichoes_canetop_1%

Add _raw at the end for an unformatted number (i.e. 172123) Add _short at the end for a shortened number (i.e. 172.12k) By default the numbers will be formatted in a comma format (i.e. 172,123)

Last updated