
ManticHoes Configuration Files

# Prestige is player based.
# If you enable hoe level resetting in this file, we urge you to enable player-based-hoe-levels in config.yml

enabled: false
max-prestige: 10

# +=======================================+
# +=======================================+
# This is where you can restrict crops to certain prestige levels.
# If a crop is not present below, everyone will be able to break it.
# If a crop is present below, only players with the required prestige level and
# above will be able to break it.
# In the default config, players will need to prestige to level 3 to break carrots.
# In the default config, players will need to prestige to level 4 to break melons.
# In the default config, players will need to prestige to level 5 to breakpumpkins.
- prestige: 3
  crop: CARROT
- prestige: 4
  crop: MELON
- prestige: 5
  crop: PUMPKIN

# +=======================================+
# +=======================================+
# Players must have broken the required crops to prestige to the level.
# If a player does not meet the requirements, they will not be able to prestige.
# Use 'ANY' to allow any crop to be broken.
# Additionally, you are also able to add costs such as money (Vault), local currency (i.e. tokens), and xp.
# In the default config, if a player has no prestige they will need
# to break 50 Sugar Cane, 50 Potatoes, and 50 Wheat
# to prestige to level 1.
# They will also need 1,000 money, 100 local currency, and 0 xp.
# If a player has prestige 4, they will need to break 1000 sugar cane,
# and 10000 melons to prestige to level 5.
# They will also need 1,000,000 money, 100,000 local currency, and 0 xp.
# (ranges can be used, e.g. 1-5)
    money: 1000.0
    local-currency: 100
    xp: 0.0
      POTATO: 50
      SUGAR_CANE: 50
      CARROT: 50
      WHEAT: 50
    money: 10000.0
    local-currency: 1000
    xp: 0.0
      POTATO: 50
    money: 1000000.0
    local-currency: 100000
    xp: 0.0
      SUGAR_CANE: 10000
      MELON: 10000

# +=======================================+
# | MODIFIERS | *IMPORTANT*               |
# +=======================================+
# As you may have noticed, the example set has a lot of modifiers.
# These modifiers are what make the set do something.
# 0.0 - No change
# 1.0 - 100% increase
# 0.33 - 33% increase
# -1.0 - 100% decrease
# -0.75 - 75% decrease
# and so on...
# (currency, money, xp)
# Extra modifiers are added to the previous modifier.
# For example, if you have a extra modifier of 0.5 and no previous modifier (or a base of 0),
# then the final modifier will be 0.5.
# If you have a extra modifier of 0.25 and a previous modifier of 0.5,
# then the final modifier will be 0.75.
# and so on...
# (base-currency, base-money, base-xp)
# Base modifiers will ignore the previous modifiers, and be the base of the final modifier.
# For example, if you have a base modifier of 0.05 and a previous modifier of 0.025,
# then the final modifier will be 0.05 (plus any extra modifiers of that prestige level).
# Setting a base modifier to -1 will ignore the base modifier.
# (enchant-<enchant-id>) (enchant-id is case-sensitive and can be found in enchant-list.txt)
# Enchant modifiers will add the level of the enchant to the final modifier. (cannot be decimal)
# == EXAMPLE ==
# The default example is a 5 level prestige system.
# The first 4 levels have no base modifiers, and a extra modifier of 0.05.
# The last level has a base modifier of 0.5, and a extra modifier of 0.05.
# This means at prestige 4, each previous modifier will be added.
# e.g. xp modifier at prestige 4 will be 0.2 (0.05 + 0.05 + 0.05 + 0.05).
# But at prestige 5, the base modifier will be 0.5, and the extra modifier will be 0.05.
# e.g. xp modifier at prestige 5 will be 0.55 (0.5 + 0.05).
# Prestige 5 gives 5 extra max levels to token_finder enchant.

# Level up commands are ran when a player prestige levels up.
# Placeholder for player name (case-sensitive): {player}
# E.g. On prestige level 5, the player will be given 1,000,000 money.
# (ranges can be used, e.g. 1-5)
# (Enable reset-hoe-levels to reset hoe levels on prestige level up)
# <!> You can create as many prestige levels as you want <!>
# External Modifiers (base- can be used): 'cube-generator', 'kore-mobcoins', 'kore-collector-sell'
      money: 0.05
      xp: 0.5
      currency: 0.05
    level-up-commands: []
    reset-hoe-levels: false
      money: 0.05
      xp: 0.5
      currency: 0.05
    level-up-commands: []
    reset-hoe-levels: false
      money: 0.05
      xp: 0.5
      currency: 0.05
    level-up-commands: []
    reset-hoe-levels: false
      money: 0.05
      xp: 0.5
      currency: 0.05
    level-up-commands: []
    reset-hoe-levels: false
      base-money: 0.5
      money: 0.05
      enchant-token_finder: 5.0
      xp: 0.5
      currency: 0.05
      base-currency: 0.5
      base-xp: 0.5
    - eco give {player} 1000000
    reset-hoe-levels: false
      money: 0.05
      xp: 0.5
      currency: 0.05
    level-up-commands: []
    reset-hoe-levels: false

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