
ManticDarkzone Configuration Files

# Make sure to enter your license key here!

# This is case sensitive!
darkzone-world-name: Darkzone

# Should we block all commands in that world by default?
should-block-all-commands: true

# If you would like to block all commands beginning with 'f' and allow 'f who', add 'f' to blocked-commands and 'f who' to whitelisted-commands

# Commands that are not allowed to be used in the darkzone world.
- /f

# Commands that are allowed to be used in the darkzone world.
- /f who

# Should enderpearls be disabled in the darkzone world?
disable-enderpearls: true

# Should our portals be enabled?
enable-portals: true

# Should we disable flight on teleport to darkzone? manticdarkzone.flightdisabler.bypass permission to bypass
disable-flight-on-teleport-to-darkzone: true

# The option to allow portals to be used during combat by bypassing some combat plugins
bypass-combat-plugin-anti-teleport: true

# Should we enable the darkzone shop?
enable-dz-shop: true

# Ignored regions for the above restrictions.
- corner-one:
    world: world
    x: 0.0
    y: 0.0
    z: 0.0
    yaw: 0.0
    pitch: 0.0
    world: world
    x: 0.0
    y: 0.0
    z: 0.0
    yaw: 0.0
    pitch: 0.0

Last updated