
ManticHoes Configuration Files

# Prefix for the majority of messages
prefix: '&8[&2Mantic&aHoes&8]&7'

invalid-player: '&cYou have entered an invalid player name!'
player-not-specified: '&cYou need to specify a player.'

one-high-cane: '&cYou are only allowed to place Sugar Cane one high!'

not-enough-tokens: '&cYou do not have enough tokens to purchase this! &7(Cost: {cost})'
tokens-reset: '&cYour tokens have been reset!'
tokens-set: '&cYour Tokens have been set to {amount}.'
tokens-removed: '&d{amount} &atokens have been removed from your account.'
tokens-paid-by: '&d{amount} &atokens have been paid to you by &d{player}&a.'
tokens-paid-to: '&aYou have paid &d{amount} &ato &d{player}&a.'
tokens-given-to: '&aYou have given &d{amount} &atokens to &d{player}&a.'
tokens-given-by: '&d{amount} &atokens have been given to you by &d{player}&a.'
balance-self: '&aYour balance is &d{amount} &atokens.'
balance-other: '&a{player}''s balance is &d{amount} &atokens.'

passed-captcha: '&aYou have passed the Captcha, you can continue grinding!'
failed-captcha: '&cYou have failed the Captcha, you must wait 60 Seconds to try again!'
- '&cYou have failed the Captcha, you have been kicked!'
timeout-captcha: '&cYou have timed out, you must wait 60 Seconds to try again!'
cooldown-captcha: '&cYou have to wait {time} to do this!'
captcha-inventory-title: Click the {0}

crops-broken: '&aYou have broken &d{amount} &acrops!'
crops-broken-other: '&d{player}&a has broken &d{amount} &acrops!'

harvester-hoe-received: '&aYou have been given a Harvester Hoe!'
harvester-hoe-given: '&aYou have given &d{0} &aa Harvester Hoe! &7(Type: &d{1}&7)'
inventory-full-when-receiving-hoe: '&cYou do not have enough space in your inventory,
  so the hoe was dropped on the ground.'
not-holding-hoe-message: '&cYou need to have a Harvester Hoe in your hand to use this!'
toggled-autosell: '&aYou have toggled AutoSell to {state}.'
must-have-autosell: '&cYou need to have AutoSell unlocked to use this!'
autosell-toggled-true: '&a&lāœ”'
autosell-toggled-false: '&c&lāœ˜'

money-received-chat: '&aYou''ve been paid &c{amount} &afrom your last sell!'
money-received-action-bar: '&aYou''ve been paid &c{amount} &afrom your last sell!'

max-level: '&cMax Level'
upgrade-success: '&aYou have upgraded your {enchant}&a to level {level}!'

item-purchase-success: '&aYou have purchased {item}&a for &c{cost} &atokens!'

item-drop-confirmation-title: '&cDrop again to confirm!'
item-drop-confirmation-subtitle: '&cAre you sure you want to drop this item?'

cannot-drop-title: '&cCannot Drop!'
cannot-drop-subtitle: '&cYou cannot drop this item!'

crop-top-placeholder-format: '{name} - {amount}'
token-top-placeholder-format: '{name} - {amount}'

crop-not-whitelisted: '&cYou can only use this hoe on these crops: &d{crops}'

cannot-use-in-world: |-
  &cYou cannot use this in this world!
  &cAllowed Worlds: {worlds}

# If they are empty they will not send.
  title: '{0} &a&lAvailable Commands:'
  hoe: ' &c/{0} {1}'
  reload: ' &c/{0} {1}'
  captcha: ' &c/{0} {1}'
  event: ' &c/{0} {1}'
  hoe-levels: ' &c/{0} {1}'
  upgrade: ' &7/{0}'
  currency: ' &7/{0}'
  currency-top: ' &7/{0}'
  shop: ' &7/{0}'
  crops: ' &7/{0}'
  crops-top: ' &7/{0}'
  prestige: ' &7/{0}'
  reset-player: ' &7/{0} {1}'

  title: '&a/tokens help &eBrings you to this menu'
  balance: '&a/tokens balance &eLets you check your own token balance'
  balance-other: '&a/tokens balance <player> &eLets you check the token balance of
  shop: '&a/tokens shop &eLets you open the Tokens Shop'
  pay: '&a/tokens pay <player> <amount> &eLets you pay your tokens to other players'
  give: '&a/tokens give <player> <amount> &eLets you gift players tokens'
  remove: '&a/tokens remove <player> <amount> &eLets you remove tokens from players'
  set: '&a/tokens set <player> <amount> &eLets you set tokens balance of a player'
  reset: '&a/tokens reset <player> &eLets you reset the tokens of a player'
  reset-all: '&a/tokens resetall &eLets you reset the tokens of EVERY player'

# Placeholders:
# {time} - Duration of the session
# {money} - Total money earned (both sold and rewards)
# {money_reward} - Total money earned from rewards
# {money_sold} - Total money earned from selling
# {tokens} - Total tokens earned
# {xp} - Total xp earned
# {amount} - Total amount of crops broken
# For custom economies:
# {ce_CUSTOM_ECONOMY_NAME_HERE} - Total money earned from that economy (Make sure to replace the part in caps with the name of your economy, and put it to lowercase)
# For command based enchants like key_finder:
# {cmds_ENCHANT_NAME_HERE} - Total amount of commands ran for that enchant (Make sure to replace the part in caps with the name of your enchant, and put it to lowercase)
# NOTE: For shorted versions of these, add _short to the end of the placeholder, e.g. {money_short}
  - ' '
  - ' &d&l&nPayment Summary&r &7({time})'
  - ' '
  - '  &a&lāœš ${money_short}'
  - '  &e&lāœš {tokens_short} Tokens'
  - '  &b&lāœš {xp_short} Exp'
  - '  &d&lāœš {cmds_key_finder_short}x Keys'
  - '  &c&lāœš {cmds_spawner_finder_short}x Spawners'
  - '     &7({amount}x Crops)'

  level-other: '&d{player}&a is prestige level &d{level}&a.'
  level-self: '&aYou are prestige level &d{level}&a.'
  new-prestige-level-is: '&aYou have prestiged to level &d{level}&a!'
  max-prestige-message: '&cYou are already at the max prestige level!'
  must-be-prestige-to-break: '&cYou must be prestige level &d{level} &cto break this
  not-enough-money-to-prestige: '&cYou do not have enough money to prestige! &7(Cost:
  not-enough-tokens-to-prestige: '&cYou do not have enough tokens to prestige! &7(Cost:
  not-enough-xp-to-prestige: '&cYou do not have enough xp to prestige! &7(Cost: &d{cost}&7)'
  not-enough-crops-to-prestige: '&cYou do not have enough crops to prestige! &7(You
    need &d{cost}&7)'
  hoe-not-prestigeable: '&cThis hoe is not prestigeable!'
  not-enough-prestige-level: '&cYou need to be prestige level &d{level} &cto use this!'

  - ' '
  - ' &a&lāœš &nHarvest Event Started&r &7({duration})'
  - ' '
  - ' &7&lTop 5 Players will receive a reward!'
  - ' &7&oBest of luck!'
  - ' '
  - ' '
  - ' &c&lāœ˜ &nHarvest Event Ended&r'
  - ' '
  - ' &b&lLeaderboard:'
  - ' &a#1 &d{player-1} &7- &d{amount-1}'
  - ' &e#2 &d{player-2} &7- &e{amount-2}'
  - ' &e#3 &d{player-3} &7- &e{amount-3}'
  - ' &e#4 &d{player-4} &7- &e{amount-4}'
  - ' &e#5 &d{player-5} &7- &e{amount-5}'
  - ' '
  - ' '
  - ' &a&lāœš &nHarvest Event Active&r'
  - ' &7Time Left: &r{time-left}'
  - ' '
  - ' &7&lTop 5 Players will receive a reward!'
  - ' '
  - ' &b&lLeaderboard:'
  - ' &a#1 &d{player-1} &7- &d{amount-1}'
  - ' &e#2 &d{player-2} &7- &e{amount-2}'
  - ' &e#3 &d{player-3} &7- &e{amount-3}'
  - ' &e#4 &d{player-4} &7- &e{amount-4}'
  - ' &e#5 &d{player-5} &7- &e{amount-5}'
  - ' '
  - ' &aYour progress:'
  - ' &7Amount: &f{amount}'
  - ' &7Position: &a#{pos}'
  - ' '

Last updated