⌨️Commands and Usages

Breakdown of Mining Economy's commands and usages

Coins command (/coins):

The actual command is what you set in the config at:

# This is the economy name, this will also act as the base command for the economy. Placeholders will still use "COINS"
economyName: "coins"

Therefore, we are assuming that the command is /coins.

Usage: /coins <balance/pay/give/set> <player> <amount>

balance = displays how many "coins" you have

pay = send part of your balance to another player

give = (admin command) where you summon "coins" to a player

set = (admin command) where you set a players balance to an amount

Mining Economy command (/miningeconomy, /mining):

Usage: /miningeconomy <give / editor / version / forcesave / reload / captcha>

give = give a player a mining pickaxe (/mining give <player> <amount>

editor = enter a mode where you can edit mines

version = returns the plugin version

forcesave = saves all data files

reload = reload configuration files

captcha [force/clear] [player] = force a player to do a captcha or clear their cooldown

Whilst in editor mode you will have access to:

/mining set <mine-type OR air> - air will remove the mine

/mining replace <material> <mine-type OR air>

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