
ServerBot Configuration Files

  "ticketName": "ticket-{id}",
  "ifButtonOnlyShowEmote": false,
  "attachEmote": true,
  "selectionString": "{0} {1}",
  "ticketType": "BUTTON",
  "ticketSettings": {
    "tickets": [
        "category": "General Support",
        "roleIds": [
        "emote": "😃",
        "buttonStyle": "PRIMARY",
        "embedTitle": "How can we help you?",
        "embedAuthor": "",
        "embedAuthorImage": "",
        "embedDescription": [
          "Thanks {member_tag} for making a ticket!\nPlease state your issue."
        "embedThumbnail": "{guild_icon}",
        "embedImage": "",
        "embedFooter": "{guild_name}",
        "embedFooterIcon": "{guild_icon}",
        "embedTimestamp": false,
        "embedColour": "",
        "fields": []
        "category": "User Report",
        "roleIds": [
        "emote": "📝",
        "buttonStyle": "SUCCESS",
        "embedTitle": "Who would you like to report?",
        "embedAuthor": "",
        "embedAuthorImage": "",
        "embedDescription": [
          "Thanks {member_tag} for making a ticket!\nPlease state your issue."
        "embedThumbnail": "{guild_icon}",
        "embedImage": "",
        "embedFooter": "{guild_name}",
        "embedFooterIcon": "{guild_icon}",
        "embedTimestamp": false,
        "embedColour": "",
        "fields": []
    "embedTitle": "Create a support ticket",
    "embedAuthor": "",
    "embedAuthorImage": "",
    "embedDescription": [
      "**Please choose the appropriate option**"
    "embedThumbnail": "{guild_icon}",
    "embedImage": "",
    "embedFooter": "{guild_name}",
    "embedFooterIcon": "{guild_icon}",
    "embedTimestamp": false,
    "embedColour": "",
    "fields": []
  "defaultTicketCategory": "General Support",
  "selectorDropdownMessage": "Please choose the appropriate category",
  "ghostPingMessage": "{ticket_user}",
  "ticketCreationMessage": "Successfully created your ticket @ {ticket_channel}",
  "transcriptChannelName": "ticket-logs",
  "sendTranscriptToUser": true,
  "userTranscriptTitle": ":warning: Ticket Closed :warning:",
  "userTranscriptDesription": [
    "**Channel:** {0}",
    "**Ticket User:** {1}",
    "**Closed By:** {2}",
    "**Reason:** {3}",
    " ",
    "`Last Few Messages:`",
    "View the full transcript by typing `{5}`"
  "userTranscriptFooter": "We hope your issue was solved!",
  "ticketCooldownDuration": 60,
  "ticketCooldownTimeUnit": "SECONDS",
  "onlyTickets": "⚠ **This can only be used in a ticket!**",
  "canMembersAddUsersToTheirTicket": true,
  "cannotAddUserToTicket": "⚠ **You do not have permission to add users to this ticket!**",
  "cannotRemoveUserToTicket": "⚠ **You do not have permission to remove users from this ticket!**",
  "addedUserToTicket": "👍 **Successfully added {member_mention} to this ticket!**",
  "removedUserFromTicket": "👍 **Successfully removed {member_mention} to this ticket!**",
  "ticketBanned": "🔨 **You cannot make tickets while being ticket banned!**",
  "ticketGroups": [
      "groupName": "owner",
      "roleIds": [
      "groupName": "admin",
      "roleIds": [
  "closeReason": "None provided",
  "singleDiscordCategory": false,
  "singleDiscordCategoryName": "Tickets"

Last updated