Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

ManticDarkzone FAQ's

Where should should I begin in my setup?

In config.yml: Make sure darkzone-world-name is what the darkzone world is called (case-sensitive)

In darkzone-mobs.yml: Make sure enabled is set to true

The below is the center point where the mobs will spawn spawn-x spawn-y spawn-z

bound-radius is the area from the center point where they can spawn (bigger the radius, the bigger the spawn area)

bound-to-area if true means they will stay in the bound area (unless chasing someone)

How do I add custom modal support to Shop Items?

How do I add custom modal support to Shop Items?

Add the field `customModalData` in the shop config and set the number accordingly.

What are the PlaceholderAPI placeholders?

%manticdarkzone_killed% - RAW e.g. 1234
%manticdarkzone_killed_formatted% - COMMA e.g. 1,234
%manticdarkzone_killed_formatted_short% - SHORT e.g. 1.23k

What are the permissions?

manticdarkzone.bypass | Bypass restrictions

Last updated