
ManticHoes Configuration Files

# Put your license key here, if you don't have one, you can get one at

# The default balance of a player.
starting-tokens-balance: 1000

# When enabled crops that are placed and broken will automatically grow FULLY after a certain amount of time.
# If you want to disable this, set it to false.
enable-auto-grow: false
# This is the amount of time in seconds that it takes for a crop to regrow.
auto-grow-time: 10
max-cane-height: 3
max-bamboo-height: 5

# This is the amount of tokens you get per crop harvested. If you want to disable this, set it to 0.
# Please be aware that a 'token finder' enchant in 'enchants.json' may affect the amount received by the player.
tokens-per-crop: 1
# Available types are RAW (172123), COMMA (172,123), and SHORTENED (172.12k)
tokens-balance-format: COMMA
# Whether or not the Tokens Shop is enabled
enable-shop: true

# (This is for use as the plugins local currency)
# Mantic Options (case-sensitive): ManticHoes, ManticRods, MiningEconomy or ManticSwords
# Other Options (case-sensitive): Vault (or Vault:X (replace X with the economy name)), PlayerPoints or EcoBits:X (replace X with the economy name) or SuperMobCoins
# If the plugin cannot be found it will default to the internal economy.
economy-provider: ManticHoes
# (This is for use as the external 'money' currency
# Options (case-sensitive): Vault (or Vault:X (replace X with the economy name)), PlayerPoints or EcoBits:X (replace X with the economy name) or SuperMobCoins
money-provider: Vault

# This means that hoe levels will be based on the player, not the hoe.
player-based-hoe-levels: false

# If false, it will open upgrades directly.
open-main-menu-on-click: true

# Natural drop count for blocks like carrots, potatoes, etc. Otherwise it would drop 1.
natural-drop-count: false

item-drop-confirmation: true
prevent-item-drop: false

parse-messages-with-placeholder-api: false

# When a player joins for the first time, they will be given a hoe with the following settings.
# If you want to disable this, set 'enabled' to false.
# If you want to change the hoe type, set 'hoe-type' to the name of the hoe type. (You can find the hoe types in 'harvester-hoes.yml')
# If you want to change the enchant levels, set 'enchant-levels' to the enchant levels you want.
# If not set or found, it will default a random one.
# Format: 'enchant1:level,enchant2:level,enchant3:level'
# Example: 'tokenfinder:5,spawnerfinder:3,autosell:1'
  enabled: true
  hoe-type: default
  enchants: ''

use-menus-for-leaderboards: true

# This will stop players from placing cane/bamboo more than one high
one-high-cane: true
one-high-bamboo: true

# This will replant crops that are broken (if they are able to be replanted)
auto-replant: true

# This will stop players from placing crops then breaking them on repeat (schematic farming)
anti-place-break: false
anti-place-break-millis: 3000

# This will stop players from trampling crops
anti-crop-trample: true
# This will stop players from breaking the stem of a crop (e.g. Melon Stem and Pumpkin Stem)
anti-stem-break: true

# Whether or not to automatically send captcha's to players
enable-captcha: true

# This is the chance of a captcha happening when breaking a crop (The higher the number the lower the chance, currently 1/10000)
captcha-chance: 10000
# This is the duration in ticks (20 ticks per seconds) that the player cannot use the tool
captcha-block-ticks: 1200
# This is the max duration a player can take to solve the captcha
captcha-timeout-ticks: 1200
# If false, captcha will be random blocks/items
do-maths-captcha: false
# If true, players will be kicked if they fail the captcha
kick-on-captcha-fail: false

# This is how often the money from hoes is sold and deposited to players in Seconds
sell-timer: 15
send-sell-chat-messages: false
send-sell-action-bar-messages: true
  enabled: true
  interval-seconds: 60

# This is an option to only track the cane hit vs the cane hit and the cane above (For /croptop)
track-cane-above: true
# Above comment applies to this as well.
track-bamboo-above: true
do-fast-alerts: true
# Only these blocks will be tracked on the leaderboard, use 'ALL' for all blocks to be tracked

default-starting-enchant-level: 1
default-max-enchant-level: 15

# This option is mainly for blocks like Cocoa where by default they don't break in 1 hit.
ensure-instant-break: true

# When this is true rewards will be multiplied by the amount shockwave'd
should-shockwave-multiply-rewards: true

# When this is true token rewards will be multiplied by the amount shockwave'd
should-shockwave-multiple-tokens: true

# Should an enchant that increases drops also increase the amount of tokens you get?
should-harvest-booster-multiply-tokens: false

# Allow players to make farmland with their hoes.
farmland: true

# Pick up items automatically when breaking crops rather than dropping them on the floor
auto-pickup: true

# Allow players to right click glowberries to harvest them.
allow-right-click-harvest-for-glowberries: false

# If an enchant has only one level, such as autosell and this is enabled the 'unlocked' message will replace number in the lore for that enchant when it's been upgrade, the opposite goes for 'locked'
  enabled: true
  unlocked: '&a✓'
  locked: '&c✕'

# Options: RIGHT_CLICK, LEFT_CLICK, CLICK (any click), SHIFT

# Toggleable integrations 
  jobs-reborn: true

Last updated