
ManticRods Configuration Files

Below is some help regarding to this file, if you did not know already you can make AS MANY enchants you want using the Enchant Fields found below in enchants.json following JSON formatting.

Enchant Fields

enabled - whether the enchant is enabled or not id - unique identifier for the enchant defaultLevel - the default level of the enchant maxLevel - the highest level that the enchant can be upgraded to chance - the likelihood of the enchant activating chancePerUpgrade - for every additional level of an enchant, this provides a greater chance of activating shardsPer - this is the amount of the plugin currency that is given when the enchant activates additionalShardsPerUpgrade - additional amount of plugin currency per level commandDispatchType - "RANDOM" or "ALL" (self-explanatory) commands - commands (without /) that can be ran when the enchant activates (array) messages - these are sent to the player when the reward is activated (array) publicBroadcastMessageWhenActivated - a single message broadcasted on activation extraDropsPerLevel - refers to how much extra drops is given per level expPer - exp per activation additionalExpPerUpgrade - extra exp per activation moneyPer - money per activation additionalMoneyPerUpgrade - extra money per activation holdingPotionsAmplifierIncreasePerLevel - increase in potion amplifier per level holdingPotions - e.g. "FAST_DIGGING:-1" - format is POTION:AMPLIFIER (array)

customEconomy - Vault economy name or class customEconomyPer - amount of custom economy additionalCustomEconomyPerUpgrade - additional amount of custom economy per upgrade Example:

Ability to natively hook into multiple vault economies, below is an example of how to implement it in enchants.json ("GoldEconomy" is a made up plugin for showcase purpose only)

      "id": "gold",
      "chance": 100.0,
      "chancePerUpgrade": 0.0,
      "defaultLevel": 0,
      "maxLevel": 1,
      "customEconomy": "GoldEconomy",
      "customEconomyPer": 1,
      "additionalCustomEconomyPerUpgrade": 1

Fields above labelled '(array)' must be in an array (list format) - use this for guidance: https://www.w3schools.com/js/js_json_arrays.asp

Having errors relating to this file/json?

Copy and paste the contents of the file into https://codebeautify.org/jsonvalidator and click "Validate JSON", it should then provide steps to where a config error might have occurred.

  "enchants": [
      "id": "shard_finder",
      "chance": 100.0,
      "chancePerUpgrade": 0.0,
      "shardsPer": 1,
      "additionalShardsPerUpgrade": 1,
      "defaultLevel": 1,
      "maxLevel": 15
      "id": "key_finder",
      "chance": 5.0,
      "chancePerUpgrade": 0.1,
      "commands": [
        "crate give {player} default 1"
      "commandDispatchType": "RANDOM",
      "defaultLevel": 1,
      "maxLevel": 15,
      "messages": [
        "§e§lTREASURE §8§l| §dYou were lucky and found a key while your their fishing rod!"
      "id": "spawner_finder",
      "chance": 5.0,
      "chancePerUpgrade": 0.1,
      "commands": [
        "ss give {player} blaze 1"
      "commandDispatchType": "RANDOM",
      "defaultLevel": 1,
      "maxLevel": 15,
      "messages": [
        "§e§lTREASURE §8§l| §dYou were lucky and found a spawner while using your fishing rod!"
      "id": "drop_booster",
      "chance": 100.0,
      "chancePerUpgrade": 0.0,
      "defaultLevel": 1,
      "maxLevel": 15,
      "extraDropsPerLevel": 0.25
      "id": "autosell",
      "chance": 100.0,
      "chancePerUpgrade": 0.0,
      "defaultLevel": 0,
      "maxLevel": 1,
      "autosell": true
      "id": "money_finder",
      "chance": 5.0,
      "chancePerUpgrade": 0.1,
      "defaultLevel": 1,
      "maxLevel": 15,
      "moneyPer": 5000.0,
      "additionalMoneyPerUpgrade": 2500.0,
      "messages": [
        "§e§lTREASURE §8§l| §dYou were lucky and found §l§n{0}§r§d while using their fishing rod!"
      "id": "exp_finder",
      "chance": 5.0,
      "chancePerUpgrade": 0.1,
      "expPer": 500,
      "additionalExpPerUpgrade": 250,
      "defaultLevel": 1,
      "maxLevel": 15,
      "messages": [
        "§e§lTREASURE §8§l| §dYou were lucky and found exp while your fishing rod!"
      "id": "haste",
      "chance": 1.0,
      "chancePerUpgrade": 0.0,
      "defaultLevel": 0,
      "maxLevel": 3,
      "holdingPotions": [
      "holdingPotionsAmplifierIncreasePerLevel": 1
      "id": "time_booster",
      "chance": 100.0,
      "chancePerUpgrade": 0.0,
      "defaultLevel": 1,
      "maxLevel": 30,
      "lessTicksPerUpgrade": 14
  "useLegacyChances": false

Last updated